Saving California rivers is up to us

With your support, we can work together to restore flows where excessive diversions reduce flows, to improve hydropower operations to benefit people and fish, to fight destructive reservoirs, and to strengthen river protections.

Sites Reservoir Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report Released

Friends of the River, Tell The Dam Truth, and Patagonia have partnered to estimate Sites Reservoir greenhouse gas emissions - finding that the reservoir's annual emissions will equal 80,000 gasoline-powered cars. This project will harm rivers and is not in line with California's climate goals.

The Sites Reservoir Boondoggle

Sites Reservoir is expensive for taxpayers, bad for salmon, and will create little water for Californians, adding less than 1% to California's water supply on average. The era of big dam building is over -- it's time to usher in an era of sustainable water management. It's now or never to Stop Sites.

Friends of the River

Committed to becoming a more powerful voice for a climate resilient water future in California with healthy rivers, equal access to safe and affordable drinking water, and a thriving, sustainable economy for all Californians.


Friends of the River works not just to preserve our rivers, but to change how people think about them—not as a resource to be exploited, but as a treasure to be enjoyed.


Play. Guide. Train. Advocate.


Participate in your water agency's public review process and support sustainable water solutions.


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